After an extraction, it’s important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. That is why we placed cotton gauze over the extraction sites immediately after your procedure. Bite down on this gauze for approximately one hour. Then take 2 to 3 new pieces of gauze in a stack, for them in half and then fold them in half again. Gently wet the gauze, placed them over the extraction sites and bite down firmly. Repeat this process until you either run out of gauze or it is time to go to sleep.

After the blood clot forms it is important to protect it, especially for the next 24 hours. So don’t: smoke, suck through a straw, rinse your mouth vigorously, or clean the teeth next to the extraction site. These activities will dislodge the clot and may cause dry socket, which is extremely painful. Limit yourself to calm activities for the next 24 hours, this keeps your blood pressure lower, reduces bleeding and helps the healing process.

It is also important to apply ice to the extraction site. Fill a Ziplock bag full of ice and add a little bit of water. Apply to the face directly over the extraction site for 20 minutes. Then remove it for 20 minutes and reapply for another 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle as much you can for the first two days following the extraction.

  • Use pain medication only as directed. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if all symptoms and signs of infection are gone.

  • Drink lots of fluids and eat only soft nutritious foods on the day of the extraction.

  • Do not use alcoholic beverages and avoid hot and spicy foods.

  • You can begin eating normally the next day or as soon as it is comfortable.

  • Gently rinse your mouth with salt water three times a day beginning the day after the extraction (a tsp. of salt in a cup of warm water). Also, rinse gently after meals, It helps keep food out of the extraction site.

  • It is very important to resume your normal dental routine after 24 hours; this should include brushing your teeth and tongue and flossing at least once a day. This speeds healing and helps keep your breath and mouth fresh.

Call us (602) 993-4200 right away if you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, continued swelling, or a reaction to the medication.

For after-hours emergencies call us at (602)993-4200.