The purpose of your Night Guard is to prevent bone loss, sensitivity, tooth wear and fractures of your teeth and restorations caused by clenching and grinding. It is designed to keep your teeth from coming in contact while you sleep. This allows the lower jaw to return to a comfortable position without interference from your bite. It is especially important that you wear it every night. With proper care your Night Guard should last many years.
Like anything new, your Night Guard will require an adjustment period before you are comfortable wearing it. At first, your Night Guard will taste like plastic for a few days and so will your food. It may cause you to salivate more than usual or give you dry mouth. At the beginning, the nightguard can feel very bulky and uncomfortable. Start wearing your nightguard slowly and do not become discouraged. During the first week wear your Night Guard around the house for a few hours. If you notice that any of your teeth feel sore, contact our office for a simple adjustment. Once you feel comfortable wearing your Night Guard during the day for a few hours without problems, you are ready to try it at night.
Night Guards will discolor and scratch over time. This is not a problem. You may also notice signs of wear and cracking. To help minimize premature wear and tear, consistent and proper care is needed.
DO NOT soak in mouthwash, denture cleaner, hot water, or place in direct sunlight.
Clean appliance with soap and warm water ONLY!
Rinse well with water before and after use and store dry in the case provided.
Do not wrap it in a napkin or put it in your pocket or purse without the case.
If it becomes loose, tight or causes you discomfort, contact us immediately.
FOLLOW UP CARE: We will inspect your Night Guard at your maintenance appointments and recommend replacement as needed. Bring your Night Guard to your appointments and we will put it through the ultrasonic cleaner. Be sure to bring your Night Guard to any restorative appointments so that we can adjust your Night Guard to fit around your new filling or other restorations.
Guard every night or stop wearing your Night Guard for a prolonged period, your teeth may shift and your Night Guard may no longer fit. This may require an adjustment or replacement which can incur additional costs and treatment.
PETS: Night Guards are pet magnets and make great chew toys. Please keep your Night Guard cleaned and stored where pets cannot access them.
If you have any questions or experience a problem, please call us as soon as possible.