Orthodontic Appliances are a financial investment in your health. Proper care for your appliances is required to ensure you receive a much benefit from the investment made in your treatment as possible.
DENTAL HYGIENE: Because wearing an orthodontic appliance can cause more food and plaque to collect in places around the appliance, teeth, and gums, it is critical that your teeth be kept extremely clean. Brush after every meal. Do not rush brushing. Follow the recommended amount of time of 2 full minutes. Floss each night at bedtime. We recommend these helpful devices:
A good soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste
Electric toothbrushes: SoniCare® and Oral-B®
Super Floss or Floss Threaders
Interproximal Brushes
Oral irrigation devices: Water-Pik, Air-Floss
Orthodontic wax to help mouth irritations
Fluoride-containing mouth rinse daily: Act®
Fluoride and Calcium containing paste: MI® Paste
Extra care must be taken in the area between the gums and the brackets.
We call this area the “Danger Zone.” Food and plaque that collects around the appliances can cause:
Permanent or reversible tooth staining
Puffy and bleeding gums
Unpleasant odors
Irreversible enamel damage
DISCOMFORT MANAGEMENT: There will be some discomfort after each visit, which will last from 24-72 hours. Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin®) should be comforting if necessary.
The following list includes things that should never be eaten while your braces are on:
Hard, brittle foods, such as: ice, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pizza crust, popcorn, taco chips and hard candy.
Soft sticky foods, such as: chewing gum (even non-stick kind), caramels, gummy candy, and toffee.
Acidic foods and drinks, such as: soda pop, sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and bottled ice teas.
FOOD PREPARATION: Certain foods can be eaten if they are prepared in a special way, including:
Whole fruits and vegetables such as apples and carrots should be sliced and eaten carefully.
Hard crusty breads should be broken up and eaten in small pieces.
Corn should be sliced off the cob before eating.
OBJECTS: Anything that doesn’t belong in your mouth can damage your braces, lips, cheeks, teeth, and gums including:
Writing utensils: pencils, pens
If any of your brackets or wires come off, please make sure you save them in a container and bring them back to the office for re-cementation. There may be a charge for any broken or lost appliances.
If you have any questions or experience a problem, please call us as soon as possible.