Pre-Operative Instructions for Pre-Surgical with Sedation
Please observe the following precautions before your appointment:
No food for 8 hours prior to your appointment. If you are diabetic, please check your blood sugar the morning of the procedure. It is OK to eat if necessary to maintain a normal blood sugar levels. If you do eat, please inform the doctor.
Inform the office team of any recent illness, change in medication, or change in medical history.
Wear loose and comfortable clothing on the day of the appointment.
Remove contact lenses prior to the appointment.
Please bring any medications that you normally carry with you to your appointment - inhaler, epi-pen, nitro tabs, etc.
Do not wear any makeup (not even eye makeup), perfume, earrings, or cologne on the day of the appointment.
Brush your teeth vigorously before leaving for your appointment.
Do not smoke the morning of your appointment.
Use the restroom immediately before your appointment.
Review the Post-Operative Instructions and Information
All patients must be accompanied home by a responsible adult. The remainder of the day should be spent resting at home.
Many of these drugs stay in your system for 24 hours after the procedure. The patient should not drive an automobile, operate any machinery, or make any important business decisions for 24 hours.
The patient should not consume any alcoholic beverages or tranquilizers for 24 hours unless prescribed by the doctor.
Report any unusual symptoms including dizziness or nausea to the doctor as soon as they occur.
Some patients experience minor swelling of the lips from manipulation during the visit. If your lips are swollen, place ice on them for five (5) minutes, then remove for five minutes. Repeat as needed.
Some patients may experience a sore throat. This comes from the dry packs we place in your mouth, as well as the medications we use.
Use Chloraseptic lozenges or spray with saltwater rinses to alleviate any discomfort you have.